
Let's Rodeo...San Antonio!

UUGGGHHHH...The weekend is over already! Boo. This weekend we had my dad and Lori in town. They spent the day saturday with Harlow while Waylen and I went with our friends Brian and Patti to the rodeo.

I always feel like a kid being around all the rides...and FOOOOOOODDDD. Ugh. Who doesn't love carnival food? We had fajitas and Waylen got some bbq baked potato contraption...so weird. Then for dessert we had FUNNEL CAKES!! Yippeee...my favorite. Of course, these days they have all sorts of other fried desserts so the boys tried some out. Waylen chose the fried twinkie and Brian had a fried oatmeal cream pie. I say "yuck"...they say "yummm".

The rodeo part was fun...except when they hurt those poor baby animals. We were on the 2nd row....so close that a few times we had to wipe dirt(praying it wasn't poop) off of us when the horses ran by. After the rodeo we watched Easton Corbin in concert. The day was great until the ride home....I left my phone there...IN MY SEAT. Luckily, a police man picked it up when Waylen called it and he turned it in to the lost and found. Thank you Mr. Policeman. I felt completely lost without it. So glad to have it back.
That night we went to a new restaurant called The Urban Taco. I thought it was pretty yummy....but not a place for Miss H. She was beyond bratty and I will chalk it up to being tired ,but it was border-line embarassing..... we still love her though. Now it is sunday...which means back to work tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Happy Early Valentine's Day!

I added a picture of Miss H....thought I should document her first "Oreo Experience".... I guess we can say she is a "fan"!!!

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