
The Yo Gabba Gabba Trance

I don't get this show!! I.JUST.DON'T.GET.IT!!! Unfortunately, Harlow could sit and watch this for hours. We usually just play the shows recorded ON DEMAND and you would think after watching the same four episodes over and over again, it would get old, but NO! The weird and scary thing about it is she gets in this "trance-like" state and just sits and stares at the TV. Is this ok?? Case in point, example number 1...

Isn't it hilarious! Sorry about the poor quality...her eyes are open too. Needless to say, we have cut back all tv watching in the afternoons. I guess we will try and keep that up through the summer....so check back with us in a couple of months to see it the "tv junkie" is still around!!

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