I couldn't resist turning the Royal Wedding into something super cute for Harlow. I love when people talk about where they were the day Princess Diana got married and what all they remember. I am realistic in knowing Harlow will probably have zero recollection of this day, but the pictures can tell the story!! I decided I wouldn't drag her out of bed at 4am (aren't I nice??) so we dvr'd it. I wasn't sure at first which channel I should watch, so I went with my gut and just knew "E" would have ALL the best gossip and style (because that is the most important). I was right!!! I....I mean...WE....LOVED IT. Harlow and I got all dressed up in our jewelry and she wore a princess dress and shoes for the big day. We set up a picnic in front of the TV, made muffins, and drank milk out of fancy cups!! It was magical! ahhaha....
Harlow's friends (stuffed animals) even stopped by for the party!! Unfortunately, they were all obnoxiously loud (seriously) and I had to ask them to leave. Harlow's grandparents think it hilarious to buy her animals that talk and sing songs and one of her Pawpaw's decided to put the idea in her head that it would be really cool if she turned them all on at once!! HAHAHHAA....NOT COOL PAPA!!! So while trying to scope out all the different fascinators and dresses I had to listen to a combination of Hippity Hoppity Easter, B-I-N-G-O, and Be My Baby. Not a good combo! Harlow on the other hand, thought it was very cool. I did make her sit down and watch as the princess walked down the aisle...and we both said...."sooooo preetttttyyyy!"
I loved sharing that moment with her and years from now when people talk about William and Kate's' wedding she will at least know from pictures that she enjoyed that day too!
New Styles at Evereve
1 day ago